What is IoT (Internet of Things)

According Forbes, 87% of the people have not heard about the term IOT. The term refers to devices that collect and transmit data via internet. People are guessing that around 25K vehicles will be connected to the internet by 2020. According to the same estimate, the IOT will add $10-$15 trillion to global GDP in the next 20 years.

Internet of things is growing day by day. In India, there are so many misunderstandings about IOT. Hence, I am here to discuss about the basic IOT concept. In simple words, connection of any device with internet is called IOT. It includes everything from wearable devices (Apple watches, Samsung Gear fit2, Fitbit charge etc.), cell phones, headphones, Television, lamps, and almost anything else you can think of. The truth is that the IoT allows us endless virtual opportunities and connections to take place, many of which we can't even think of or fully understand the impact of today.

Here are a few examples where you will get know why it is so important. Like if the traffic is very heavy your car might send a text to the other party notifying them that you will be late for office.
What if your alarm clock wakes up you at 7 a.m. and then notifies your coffee maker to start brewing coffee for you? Isn’t that interesting?

These are the few reasons why IoT is a big deal for the IT world.


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