Useful Ways to mark Earth Day at your office

Earth Day

The Earth does not belong to man rather man belongs to Earth. So, it becomes our duty to preserve mother earth and keep it in best vigor to save ourselves. However with ever increasing population and increasing pollution, the beauty of the earth has taken a jolt and it slowly is losing its charm.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”. So, it is us who should start thinking about saving the earth rather than preaching others about it. Environmental concerns like global warming, air pollution, ozone layer depletion and water pollution affect humanity as well as earth in a disturbing manner. Over the last few years the planet has degraded at an alarming rate, and it has become paramount to save the earth to preserve life and humanity.

Taking care of the earth should not be considered a responsibility, rather it considered a privilege. There are little things that we do on daily basis in your office by bringing certain changes to save our planet. 

Given below are some handy tips to save earth and make it a perfect planet-

·         Pollution is the biggest threat to the health of our planet and creates adverse impacts in the form of global warming. To ensure that pollution is controlled, you can try and reduce the dependency on personal vehicle and should go for carpooling or public transport to travel to your office or work. This promotes savings and will bring down greatly the pollution levels, resulting in a greener and healthy environment.

·         Water is life and the less we use it the better it is. Small activities like avoiding toilet flush every time you go to office toilet, you should make sure that water taps are not left open in office toilet. This can to a great extent promote water saving which ultimately results in lower consumption leading to saving of water in large amounts.

·         Energy is boon to mankind and we should use it to our best benefit. So when in office, you should be turning off the lights when going out even for a few minutes. You should make it a point to turn off your monitors when not in use. You should encourage your staff to utilize lights when it is necessary.

·         In addition to this, you should and must switch to energy efficient light bulbs in the form of Led lights that consume up-to 80% lesser energy. You can also opt for time switches and daylight sensors in your office. This can help you greatly in avoiding open lights on during the night for the purpose of maintain security, promoting greater energy savings.

·         Since there is no planet B, it is advisable that we go green in every which way that is possible. To save the earth you can go paperless or reduce paper waste in your office. You should opt for printing documents that are most necessary; emails should be preferred for communication within office. To manage documents you can go cloud and use online document sharing system. This will reduce greatly the application of paper leading to minimum wastage of it.

·         Go for an office blackout once in a month by encouraging employees to work from home. This initiative can be put into plan on this earth day. It will have dual benefits as not only electricity will be saved on that day but employees would also not be travelling to office that day leading to less air pollution. 


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